T-minus three weeks until departure!! I have been thinking lately of how to even begin preparing myself for this trip like what books I want to read before I go, and what things I need to start preparing myself for. I quickly realized that preparing myself is a God-sized task and definitely not an Emily-the one who is brain dead from finals-size task. I do want to think about my preparation in three ways, though. Past: our past can be a testimony to God's existence, present: we are currently loved by the King of Kings, & future: we will give our everything to one who gave everything to get to us. Maybe after looking into these three categories I can come to know God's true character and take that with me. I encourage you to try this also.
The Administration Building at Texas A&M. |
The past, even though a bumpy last year, helps me to see that God actually played an active role in my life. Since I know he has worked in my life by seeing it this past year, I can be certain that God will continue to do it right now and to be faithful to that in the upcoming weeks. God I pray that you use my past as a testimony to your existence. Would you help me to pinpoint the things that you did for me so that I might use those things to speak highly of you and to point others towards you. Amen.
The Emily of today. |
I believe that we get into a mindset that God loves some future version of us. I believe this because I catch myself doing it all the time. "Oh one day when I am living in a village being a missionary, raising 5 children, being supermom, and saving the world, then maybe God will love me a whole lot..." That's an insane way to think and not at all true! God loves us exactly how we are right now, even without looking at our potential. So God I pray that you would help me to maintain an unshakable identity in you that focuses on the person that you have made me to be so far. I believe that you love the Emily of today without even looking at the Emily of tomorrow. Amen.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
As for the future, well I can't do this for the kids that I hope to serve because it might take them a long time to understand and I can get worn out. I also can't do this for me because I am going to mess up a whole lot along the way... But if I love God, I will do this for him. And one day maybe he will say well done good and faithful servant. I will give my everything to the one who gave everything to get to me. That seems to be the most logical thing to do. God I pray that you begin to prepare the hearts of those I will come in contact with for your word and that you would prepare my heart for sharing that with them. Have your way in me. Amen.
Amen !
ReplyDeleteGosh I just love you a whole whole lot.
ReplyDeleteJesus thank you so much for putting Emily in my life. Thank you for her obedient and strong spirit. Thank you for how much she inspires me and has helped me grow this past year. Thank you for how much I am challenged daily by her example to dig deeper and to love more. God, continue to work mightily in her life. Give her the strength and peace she needs the next few weeks as she prepares for her trip. Create in her a bold and courageous spirit that will inspire and encourage those she encounters in the DR as much as she has inspired and encouraged me. Thank you again, Jesus for giving me such an amazing girl as my best friend.