"Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." -Galatians 5:1
Monday, August 3, 2015
Journey to Freedom and Fulfillment
I was honored to be able to preach at Wordserve UMC about the freedom that is offered to us through Jesus Christ. I am still amazed and blown away by the powerful way that God chooses to use us when we say "yes" to him! I dare you to watch my sermon, and I dare you to let it impact you.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Celebrating Freedom
Monday, July 13, 2015
This is Freedom at its Finest
So what
did my job consist of..? Well let me
take a shot at it: wake up to rooster crow, greet hungry mosquitos and head out
on foot, catch a minivan that already has 17 people in it and squeeze onto a
strangers lap, after 35 minutes get out and catch a car that has 6 people in it
and squeeze in once more, arrive at base of mountain and take a 25 minute hike
up, hunch over as if dying and catch air, greet all of the children with big
hugs and act like I didn’t just die, eat a sumo wrester’s portion of rice and
beans, sing and dance like I just drank a 5-hour energy for Jesus, preach a
sermon in butchered Spanish to teens, take teens out into community to share their
faith in God, return to the church to find water bottle empty, allow body
to be a human jungle gym to all the children, take 30 minutes to say bye to
everyone in the community (at least two times each), pack 4 people onto a
sketchy motorcycle to head home, get home to eat another heaping of rice and
beans, find a cockroach and watch your 12 year old roommate unsuccessfully try
and kill it, sleep with the fear of where the cockroach is, turn fan on until
it looks as if it could fly on its own, sleep, repeat.
I have
been blessed beyond measure to have been given the opportunity to share the life of Jesus with many teens. These teens are all so so
special to me and I miss them dearly! Though working with teens is tough, it was so fun and rewarding to be
used by God. He has taught me to go the
extra mile and be intentional by just doing life with people. He has
taught me that he provides the strength needed to complete his missions. He has taught me that he loves to meet with
me every single day, and I learned that I loved these times too. And most importantly he has taught me that he is real and that he is alive around us!
Listen clearly to my message. Jesus died on the cross so that you and I might experience the freedom there is when we live in obedience to him. Seems strange to say, I know. Quit living like a prisoner of war when the war has already been won! He is offering us freedom! We might have to give up some comforts and things we think are important now, but there is beauty in obedience to Our Savior and more life than we could ever find anywhere else. The road that God has for us is anything but ordinary. It is beautiful and filled with laughter and love and life. We just have to learn to choose it. Don't wait to accept the invitation he is offering. Take it and don't turn back. "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me"- Revelation 3:20. As I will forever say with joy, look at the beauty that comes from the obedience. It has been a joy to share this with you all once again! Until the next time :)Life is an adventure, or nothing at all.
Friday, July 3, 2015
A God-Breathed Week
This week has been transformational and God-breathed. I got to spend my first 3 weeks here doing life with the teens, sitting with their families, having one on one time, eating meals with them, and being intentional. That was what I felt that God had called me to do during my time here and I enjoyed it so much. I felt like I was really beginning to learn about them, and more than anything I knew that I was really learning who God created Emily to be.
On Monday a team of 3 hardworking missionaries showed up and literally set up camp in the pastor's home (the home I live in). Slowly teens from the communities I had gotten the chance to work in started showing up with their bags and jugs of water for the week. Before we knew it there were 34 teens ready to sleep over at our house and learn how to be followers of Christ! I knew a lot of the teens that showed up from my Bible study classes and I was looking forward to spending my last week completely at their side.
With a lack of sleep and an overflow of joy, we ended the camp yesterday. The teens were able to learn about the basic need for salvation and 13 teens made the desicion to hand their life over into the all-knowing hands of Our Lord! While some decided to make the decision to begin their journey with God, others made the decision to officially make a public announcement of their new life in Christ by getting baptized. Ten were baptized in the river with their families and neighbors present! Like I said this week was God-breathed and full of new life to say the least.
God has a plan for all of us. His plan is that we would love Him with our being and follow Him where He takes us. I have learned that following God were He takes me has given me the best things I have in my life- a good relationship with my family, a wonderful ministry to work with back home, and so many wonderful dominican brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so thankful that God is interested in His created humans. As I give thanks to God today for all He has given me, and throw a fiesta in His honor in La Otra Banda, I will carry the smile that God has given me through my obedience to Him in this journey. "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ"- 1 Corinthians 15:57.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Somos Vencedores//We Are Conquerors
Oh how I wish I could write paragraphs and paragraphs of my days here and the ways I feel like God is using me. I want to spend a whole day writing about what I have seen and where my work here is going. For some reason though, I sit staring at the blank entry in front of me not able to write words for all that is happening before my eyes. I can now translate english to spanish better than I can translate my life here into words!
God has placed hills in front of me every day this week telling me "climb on." It is scary and thrilling at the same time. I said before my trip, "okay God I want to do your will but let's not make me preach in Spanish." Those prayers were usually said with a slight chuckle knowing that God works best where we lack skill. Four spanish sermons later I can say to you that the hardest moments of my trip have been preparing for these sermons, but the moments I know I will share most when I get home will be these exact moments. I saw God where I couldn't measure up to the task placed before me.
God has placed hills in front of me every day this week telling me "climb on." It is scary and thrilling at the same time. I said before my trip, "okay God I want to do your will but let's not make me preach in Spanish." Those prayers were usually said with a slight chuckle knowing that God works best where we lack skill. Four spanish sermons later I can say to you that the hardest moments of my trip have been preparing for these sermons, but the moments I know I will share most when I get home will be these exact moments. I saw God where I couldn't measure up to the task placed before me.
So over the past week I have learned whether I have the skills necessary or not, I have the victory. Romans 8:37 says, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.". In fact, it just so happens that when we don't have the skills, it comes out looking even more graceful than if we did. So if having skills or not having skills doesn't matter, what are we waiting for? God says that with Him we can be conquerors. I had to take the risk to preach in Spanish to be able to see what God would do through me. As I start my final week here I will remember that I have the victory in any situation, I hope you will join me.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Deep Realities and Morning Choices
"How am I?"... A question that stumbles me and differs depending on the time of day you ask me. Whether I am good or bad, homesick or not, pretty or a mess, clean or dirty I see with wide eyes why I am here. I am here because I am choosing daily to be obedient to God. I am here because teens need opportunities to act on faith. I am here because I want God to use me for His plans. I have seen 13 year olds preach and 11 year olds memorize countless bible verses to be able to talk with others about God! They are hungry for where God is leading them, and I get to provide them opportunities to practice being bold, how cool is that. I count it a blessing to do this and keeping my feelings and emotions in check is important so that I can allow God to work through me.
As I was sitting in my bed this morning wanting to lay there forever because I just didn't want to feel strong today, God said "let nothing separate me from you today." I laid my sadness, my fears, my weakness, and everything that was not enough on the table before Him. I tugged on to them trying to keep them and have an excuse to feel weak, but God was asking me for an undivided heart. I knew if I was going to give this day to Him, I needed to have a pure heart only desiring the things that God had for me.
To be honest, this is what every morning has looked like over the past week. I have to make the conscious decision each morning to put my life in His hands for His purposes. I consciously give the selfish Emily away so that others will see Our Maker and not me. By doing this I got to see 13 year old Elian preach for the first time, I got to have a conversation with 17 year old Valeri about choosing faith for herself, I get to see 14 year old James from Haiti sing his heart out to God, I got to lead two people in the salvation prayer in Spanish, I got to hear 6 year old Wood tell me that God knows everything, and countless other moments that I am storing up in my heart!
So just know that when you ask me how I am doing, I am homesick, dirt-covered, and my hair is just awful, but I see why God is asking all or nothing. God continues to remind me that there is beauty beyond measure in obedience to Him. And tomorrow when I wake up, without a doubt, I will choose it all over again.
As I was sitting in my bed this morning wanting to lay there forever because I just didn't want to feel strong today, God said "let nothing separate me from you today." I laid my sadness, my fears, my weakness, and everything that was not enough on the table before Him. I tugged on to them trying to keep them and have an excuse to feel weak, but God was asking me for an undivided heart. I knew if I was going to give this day to Him, I needed to have a pure heart only desiring the things that God had for me.
To be honest, this is what every morning has looked like over the past week. I have to make the conscious decision each morning to put my life in His hands for His purposes. I consciously give the selfish Emily away so that others will see Our Maker and not me. By doing this I got to see 13 year old Elian preach for the first time, I got to have a conversation with 17 year old Valeri about choosing faith for herself, I get to see 14 year old James from Haiti sing his heart out to God, I got to lead two people in the salvation prayer in Spanish, I got to hear 6 year old Wood tell me that God knows everything, and countless other moments that I am storing up in my heart!
So just know that when you ask me how I am doing, I am homesick, dirt-covered, and my hair is just awful, but I see why God is asking all or nothing. God continues to remind me that there is beauty beyond measure in obedience to Him. And tomorrow when I wake up, without a doubt, I will choose it all over again.
Monday, June 15, 2015
A Word from Eddie
As many of you know Emily invited me to assist in her youth bible study here in Santiago, Dominican Republic. What I have seen here is truly amazing and I want to give you my perspective on what we have been doing.
As many of you know Emily invited me to assist in her youth bible study here in Santiago, Dominican Republic. What I have seen here is truly amazing and I want to give you my perspective on what we have been doing.
To start, the relationships that Emily has established here are strong. I was blown away at the sheer excitement and welcoming attitude that La Otra Banda had when she arrived. The people in the community treat Emily not as a missionary, but as they would with a family member. The youth here just overflowed with joy, parents excited to see their “daughter” come back to see them, and myself blown away by the relationships she created the summer before.
Moving on to the actual work we’ve been doing, it has been something that I would have never imagined. We have had the chance to have individual time with each of the youth, conduct a bible study, interact with their families, and also join them in regular church service. The individual time spent with each of the youth was fascinating. Hearing their stories and sharing our own with them was simply amazing. Although we are not that much older, we have gone through this stage we call the “teenage years” and can offer our own insight, and how to avoid the mistakes that we made. Although I am really new here, I feel that the kids are as real and true with me as they are with Emily. The transparency the kids show is crazy! Through this transparency they are able to do extraordinary things like share their favorite bible verses, go door-to-door and share our lessons with the community, and also sing every song with all their heart. The youth here are fearless and God-loving.
It's a different culture, a different lifestyle, a different climate, but the same God, the same view on Jesus our Savior, and the same need for His love and mercy. I have seen many examples of his love through the love and affection that people show one another. Family is regarded very, very highly in this nation and I love it. I have also seen perseverance of God’s word in the communities that we are working in. For example, Unlike the rural mountain community in La Otra Banda, when we are in La Joya its… well lets just say it’s not the safest place in the world. Fortunately, among the prostitutes, alcoholics, and various crack cocaine drug deals, God is working. After talking with Pastor Ortiz I’ve found out that this community has come A LONG way from where it used to be. This I found extremely interesting because from the outside looking in you only see what I described above (prostitutes, alcoholics, and various crack cocaine drug deals) and not the growing church. Amongst all of this evil, God is calling and He has found some of his lost children men, women, and plenty of joyful children.
Now how will I be different from this? I can honestly say that I will definitely invest more time in community. It’s watching Pastor Ortiz who can have a 30 minute to 2 hour conversation with people about pretty much anything, or it’s being a kid again and playing with a bunch of kids, and maybe it's the experience Emily and I had just chatting with families that shows me how amazing community can be. In addition, I know that I want to have a household that is rooted in the Word. The families that I have come to know have an amazing knowledge of God’s Word. Coming from a family that never really sat down and read the bible, I am always fascinated that people actually practice this. God’s Word is so deep and having 10-14 year olds tell me about their favorite bible verses and quoting scripture blows me away.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Serve God by Committing to Others
As some of you know, I became extremely close to a family last summer. The mom worked selling newspaper during the day and selling herself in the night. She has 6 beautiful children who were very close but didn't get bathed or fed enough most of the time. I began to be a mom/friend/tia/mentor to those kids after I met them, and what I found was that the more I gave of myself to them in time and laughter, God would grant me more joy in return In December I heard the sorry news that the mom had put the boys and girls in seperate orphanages. You can ask anyone close to me, I told them "You watch because I'm going to find those kids!" Well after 2 hours of driving in circles today, we found the girl's orphanage, and might I add that it is only 10 minutes from my house! We walked up to the front door, I with butterflies deep in my stomach, and there I saw those beautiful sisters. The rest is history- we played, we laughed, we held hands, and of course they found a tree to climb.
What I am most thankful for is the opportunity to grow a relationship that I had before with these girls. What I want most is to be committed by sticking to my relationships from last summer. Sure I have made new friends, but it is important for kids and teens to know that I came back because I wanted to make an investment in them. This is true for these young girls, but we also were able to see relationships grow with our teens this week.
This week Eddie and I were able to conduct two large bible studies in two different communities, teach the kids how to tell their neighbors about their faith, lead two people to a new life with Christ as their Lord, conduct a teen prayer meeting for their neighborhood, empower a 12 year old to preach to his peers, have 10 one-on-one conversations with teens and still make time to sleep in-between!.. Well kind of.
What a week! The importance of being relational with people has never been so clear to me. I have adopted a slogan for when I begin to get tired of talking with others, or when I get annoyed or confused by a relationship, and that is "People>Comfort." To be honest, it gets messy when you really get to know someone, and we sometimes would rather keep relationships surface-level. But God calls me and you deeper because that is where He can redeem. I am lucky to be a servant of God because though the work is tiring and deep, it is seriously rewarding. What a joy it is the serve the Lord in such a unique way.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Two Places You Can Find Me
The Two Communities
La Joya
This community is very inner-city. While sitting on the side of the street by the church, within 30 minutes, we saw more than enough drug deals and quite a few prostitutes. Those things have become normal here and it is sad to see how dangerous it is while children and teens are running around the streets in the midst of it all. Despite the darkness, the teen class at the church has grown to 20 and there are some who are starting to form deep relationships with God. The kids and teens that I have started to get closer with are starting to steal my heart! Right now the church is trying to raise funds because the rented space might be taken from them if they don't purchase the building soon.
This community is in the mountains on the outskirts of town. Spending time here reminds one of the simplicity of life. One might see what they have as little, but when looking at their faith, they are rich in God's eyes. The church members used to be like the rest of their community but now with God's presence they are changed people and their children are learning to live for Christ. Once you get a good walking distance away from the church, the type of people begin to change. As you walk down the mountain a little you start to see a lot of alcohol and the usage of drugs. The teens here are growing very strong in their faith and my hope is to teach them to branch out and speak of their faith among non-believers.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Day 3: The Fiesta
Today's devotional and game with some of the kids. |
Kissing, hugging, laughing, loving, confetti eggs, posters, balloons! What a moment it was.. One I will treasure forever. If you will dig deep into your memory you will remember that I almost couldn't come last summer because of all the fears I had. What if I would have allowed my fears and insecurities to control my decisions? Look at the joy I would have missed out on! You see, when you see the mountain you have to climb to follow God's will, God sees the fiesta you will experience when you get there.
I was reminded of that important lesson during my reunion with my amazing friends. I know that God is always placing opportunities in front of us that look to us like mountains. We have to make the choice to look at these situations through God's eyes as an opportunity to have a fiesta! I know that I will be living this out daily here, I'm wondering if you will be joining me?
Monday, June 1, 2015
Suitcase Bibles
I am so thankful to have such a wonderful crowd of people surrounding me in prayer and encouragement as I begin this new but old journey once again. I am thankful to those of you who laid your hands on these teens' Bibles and prayed that God will show up while they read it. One of the most powerful things that someone has ever told me was that the Bible is very different from other novels because while reading the Bible, the author is present. I pray that the teens experience just that and even that the young 5 year old who will be receiving a Bible will experience the love and power of the author. This book has the power to change a person's life and to lead them to an eternal life.
Psalm 119:105 says that God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light to guide our path. I continue to find in my journey with God that if I want the most out of my relationship with Him, I have to learn His character through the words written centuries ago. The words in the Bible have changed my life and I can't wait to see how it impacts the lives of those in the community of La Otra Banda. As you pray for the use of the Bibles I will be packing into my suitcase today, I ask that you pray for the use of your own Bible as well.
Here is a list that might be helpful in guiding your prayer for this:
__Pray that the reader feels the author's (God) presence.
__Pray that God reveals His will through the pages of His word.
__Pray that the reader will not stumble on difficult to understand passages but continue to faithfully read God's word.
Now pray these things over your Bible as well and see how God moves in your life!
Psalm 119:105 says that God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light to guide our path. I continue to find in my journey with God that if I want the most out of my relationship with Him, I have to learn His character through the words written centuries ago. The words in the Bible have changed my life and I can't wait to see how it impacts the lives of those in the community of La Otra Banda. As you pray for the use of the Bibles I will be packing into my suitcase today, I ask that you pray for the use of your own Bible as well.
Here is a list that might be helpful in guiding your prayer for this:
__Pray that the reader feels the author's (God) presence.
__Pray that God reveals His will through the pages of His word.
__Pray that the reader will not stumble on difficult to understand passages but continue to faithfully read God's word.
Now pray these things over your Bible as well and see how God moves in your life!
Monday, May 18, 2015
Let me get my facts straight, weaknesses = blessings?
When God spoke this verse to me upon finding out that I would be going to the Dominican Republic last summer, I didn't realize how much it would mean to me. Since this verse was given to me I have placed it deep into my pocket never to forget what God continually wants to do in my life.
I try to remember that God calls us to boast about our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). It is an upside down Kingdom we are called to live by. Now, I don't know about you but we don't usually hear people walking around saying, "You wish you were as awkward as me," or "I'm so cool because I never stray from my comfort zone..." I don't really hear those things either, but God says that we can boast in our weaknesses because it allows Him more room to change our lives.
So here's mine: Hi, my name is Emily. I am fearful of traveling. And I am incredibly afraid I won't have the confidence to teach a Bible study in Spanish this summer. I hear a whisper though. It says, "My grace is enough for Emily; my power is made known in her weaknesses."
God knows that if he uses a natural speaker to preach a sermon, people will think that the sermon was done in the man's power. But if God uses a man with a stuttering problem (Moses) to speak God's word fluently, then people will see God's power because the man had no power to do that himself. God uses the unequipped to do mighty things. Wow, that is a blessing in disguise. So let's try this verse out together in our lives-- What would it look like if we saw our weaknesses as blessings? I hope that gives you something to chew on a little bit for the week to come.
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The ELEVEN teens! |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
I'm Not a Dreamer, I'm a Doer
So, how do I say this. Um, I am going back...! *I imagined myself saying that with a fist pump in the air in the last scene of The Breakfast Club haha!* I really don't know how to explain the excitement, the nerves, the utter joy it is to be saying that right now. Nine months ago when I returned from my trip to Santiago, I knew I had been changed and I knew I had to go back. Over those past nine months I have been able to remain in contact with some of my close friends that taught me the depth there is to life and the joy there is in friendship.
With the help of many people guiding me in my walk with God this year, and with the help of these awesome teenagers in the Dominican Republic, I have come up with the 2015 plan for Freedom Five One! This is a big project for me to take on, but I know God will provide the strength and the help I am going to need. I'm so excited to share this experience with you again and I hope you stay tuned for all God is going to do :)
The images I received of my friends Jordy and Rosy being baptized.
With the help of many people guiding me in my walk with God this year, and with the help of these awesome teenagers in the Dominican Republic, I have come up with the 2015 plan for Freedom Five One! This is a big project for me to take on, but I know God will provide the strength and the help I am going to need. I'm so excited to share this experience with you again and I hope you stay tuned for all God is going to do :)
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