Monday, May 18, 2015

Let me get my facts straight, weaknesses = blessings?

    When God spoke this verse to me upon finding out that I would be going to the Dominican Republic last summer, I didn't realize how much it would mean to me.  Since this verse was given to me I have placed it deep into my pocket never to forget what God continually wants to do in my life.  

     I try to remember that God calls us to boast about our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9).  It is an upside down Kingdom we are called to live by.  Now, I don't know about you but we don't usually hear people walking around saying, "You wish you were as awkward as me," or "I'm so cool because I never stray from my comfort zone..."  I don't really hear those things either, but God says that we can boast in our weaknesses because it allows Him more room to change our lives.

     So here's mine:  Hi, my name is Emily.  I am fearful of traveling.  And I am incredibly afraid I won't have the confidence to teach a Bible study in Spanish this summer.  I hear a whisper though.  It says, "My grace is enough for Emily; my power is made known in her weaknesses."

     God knows that if he uses a natural speaker to preach a sermon, people will think that the sermon was done in the man's power.  But if God uses a man with a stuttering problem (Moses) to speak God's word fluently, then people will see God's power because the man had no power to do that himself.  God uses the unequipped to do mighty things.  Wow, that is a blessing in disguise.  So let's try this verse out together in our lives-- What would it look like if we saw our weaknesses as blessings?  I hope that gives you something to chew on a little bit for the week to come.


     I'm really thankful to those of you who are so interested in these teenagers and God's purpose for their lives.  God really provided the support needed for this trip and all of the eleven teens have been partnered with a family!  That is such a blessing from God because there was no way I could've done this on my own.  There are still other ways to be a part of my trip, so if that is something you would want to contact me about, please do so. 
The ELEVEN teens!