Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 3: The Fiesta

Today's devotional and game with some of the kids.
     A reunion with friends that are like family cannot be explained in words or in pictures.  My heart was racing as we climbed the mountain to reunite with my special dominican friends.  I felt as if I could jump out of my seat and run to them faster than the car was taking us (the car actually turned off as we were on a steep slope and we began going backwards)!  When we reached the top of the mountain and began the straight away to the church, I saw them- all of my wonderful wonderful dominican friends.  I jumped out of the car as fast as I could and began the moment I had imagined for so many months.

     Kissing, hugging, laughing, loving, confetti eggs, posters, balloons!  What a moment it was.. One I will treasure forever.  If you will dig deep into your memory you will remember that I almost couldn't come last summer because of all the fears I had.  What if I would have allowed my fears and insecurities to control my decisions?  Look at the joy I would have missed out on!  You see, when you see the mountain you have to climb to follow God's will, God sees the fiesta you will experience when you get there.  

     I was reminded of that important lesson during my reunion with my amazing friends.  I know that God is always placing opportunities in front of us that look to us like mountains.  We have to make the choice to look at these situations through God's eyes as an opportunity to have a fiesta!  I know that I will be living this out daily here, I'm wondering if you will be joining me?


Monday, June 1, 2015

Suitcase Bibles

     I am so thankful to have such a wonderful crowd of people surrounding me in prayer and encouragement as I begin this new but old journey once again.  I am thankful to those of you who laid your hands on these teens' Bibles and prayed that God will show up while they read it.  One of the most powerful things that someone has ever told me was that the Bible is very different from other novels because while reading the Bible, the author is present.  I pray that the teens experience just that and even that the young 5 year old who will be receiving a Bible will experience the love and power of the author.  This book has the power to change a person's life and to lead them to an eternal life.
     Psalm 119:105 says that God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light to guide our path.  I continue to find in my journey with God that if I want the most out of my relationship with Him, I have to learn His character through the words written centuries ago.  The words in the Bible have changed my life and I can't wait to see how it impacts the lives of those in the community of La Otra Banda.  As you pray for the use of the Bibles I will be packing into my suitcase today, I ask that you pray for the use of your own Bible as well.  

Here is a list that might be helpful in guiding your prayer for this:
__Pray that the reader feels the author's (God) presence.
__Pray that God reveals His will through the pages of His word.
__Pray that the reader will not stumble on difficult to understand passages but continue to faithfully read God's word.

Now pray these things over your Bible as well and see how God moves in your life!
