Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 2: Old Feelings

     Today was my second day in La Republica Dominicana.  Lets just say my body has a lot of adjusting to do.  There probably wasn't one minute in the day where I wasn't sweating or fighting off the millions of Mosquitos!  There is something about this island though that draws me in.
     To be honest, I am pushing through those old feelings again.  The feelings of wanting the ones I love and not being able to have them.  I am holding it together though, I am trusting in God's plans.  I just have to believe that He wants me right here where I am.
     So God, please continue to provide me with strength to do this.  I am so scared of failing you again.  Help me to remember the love and courage you poured into me these previous weeks so that I might fulfill this call. I need you God and cannot do this on my own.  This is not about what comforts me, this is about obeying you and that is what I am going to do.  Amen.

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