Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 21: Halfway Point Brings a Change of Heart

     My heart is literally changing.  I can feel it throughout every aspect of my life right now.  I remember telling a friend the other day, I am not doing this for my own sake anymore bc that wouldn't be enough to keep me here, I am doing this bc this is where God has called me and that has to be enough.  Well let me tell you, He is more than just enough, He is like a bottle of water that never runs dry and is always full, ready to quench your thirst.  God.  Just God.  All by himself, without my family, without my friends, without my boyfriend, without much comfort, he is more than enough.

     I would rather be playing on the dusty streets of La Otra Banda than anything these days.  Right there, in front of the little colmado, where the wind blows fast and the sun shines hot.  Where a radio is more important than a kitchen table and laughter is always being shared.  I think about how much it has blessed me when I came intending to bless it.  Why is it that I would rather be in a place that doesn't offer AC, wifi, or physical comfort than a place that does offer those things?  I will tell you why.  La Otra Banda offers me something that AC and one more text home doesn't.  Life.  Almost like I'm catching a glimpse of heaven.  Where God is, you will find so much happiness alongside it.  Christians have so much joy because they know they don't need to worry about the life that someday comes to an end because they have a beautiful eternal life waiting for them with God.

     Trust me when I tell you this happiness is different than any comfort we may provide ourselves with.  Trust me when I say you need to get in on this.  And most importantly trust me when I say my life is different because Jesus has set me free from the things of this world that I cling on to so tightly.  I have to make a choice everyday to let those things go for the sake of bringing salvation to others.  I am working for a God who saves, whether that be on the streets of Santiago or in your own home. It is hard, but look at the beauty that is coming from it.

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